Tuesday, November 27, 2012


"Creativity Takes Courage"

 -Henri Matisse  


Kindergarten has been working on a larger version of a previously created artwork, inspired by Kandinsky. They folded their paper to create 6 squares and then, using oil pastels, they drew circles in each square. After drawing at least three circles in each square, they painted the squares with watercolors and learned about resistance. (Kindergarten kiddos are each creating a caterpillar and using patterns to decorate them.) 


 First Grade

SHAPESCAPES!!! First graders learned the difference between a landscape and cityscape. Then they combined the two types together using shapes to create a "shapescape." After drawing in pencil, they colored them using colored pencils. (We will be printmaking robots next!)


 Continuing the learning and match shapes by clicking the link!! ----->  Shape Match Game

 Second Grade

Second Grade has been learning about warm and cool colors! At the beginning of class, we talked about what we thought made a warm color warm and what made a cool color cool. This allowed us to either prove or disprove some of the theories that we had. Each student then received a colored star and would walk to the front of the room one at a time. The class would yell out warm or cool and the student holding the star would then have to determine the correct answer and stick the star under the correct heading. We are currently drawing self portraits using mirrors and we will be using our knowledge of warm and cool colors to color them! 



Here is a picture of our completed game :) And be sure to check out the link below for your kiddos to continue their learning with a warm and cool color game!!
Warm & Cool Color Game (Level 1)   <----Click Here!!!

Third Grade

Third graders have been working on self portraits as well! After water-coloring a piece of paper, they looked at mirrors and drew their face. We talked about measurements on our faces and fun facts to help us draw ourselves. Next, they drew their self portraits with pencil onto their water-colored paper. To complete them, they traced self-portraits with a black sharpie marker to help their drawing stand out! (Next third grade will be working on contour line drawings.) 

Fourth Grade

After being inspired by Keith Haring, fourth grade created two pieces of art. For the first project, students were to draw at least 2 Keith Haring figures on a piece of black paper and show their movement. To complete their art, they used a technique I call "controlled scribbling," with construction paper crayons to outline the figures. The second project, that is still in progress, involves a single Keith Haring figure that will be painted! (Still life drawings are next, followed by Self-Portraits!!)

Creativity is contagious in the art room!! 
_Mrs. H_



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Creating Continues.....

In The Art Room...


The Creativity Continues!!


Kindergarten has been creating flowers!! We painted flower stems, leaves and a sun using tempera paint. Next we cut circles out of a previously colored piece of paper. Then we glued the circles down and completed our art by adding flower petals and any additional details desired! (We are currently creating a large scale Kandinsky inspired piece!)

First Grade

We have been learning about positive and negative space! After learning what each word meant, we viewed some examples and pointed out which space was negative and which was positive! For our project, we cut and glued black paper onto a white piece of paper. Next, we cut and glued a flower vase onto our papers. With white construction paper crayon, we completed our art by adding flowers to our vases! (We are now creating "shapescapes".)

 Second Grade 

Second graders have been finishing up their Andy Warhol inspired artworks and we just finished up our Georgia O'Keefe inspired flowers!! The kiddos viewed Georgia O'Keefe's famous flowers and created their own flower close-ups. Using oil pastel and watercolors, their flowers turned out pretty amazing! (Next we will be learning about and working with warm and cool colors.)

Third Grade
Inspired by James Abbot McNeil Whistler, third graders created a beautiful firework seascape. Using sponges and tempera paint, they created their cities and reflections in the water. Next they added chalk for smoke and completed the artwork by painting fireworks, once again using tempera paint. Their art definitely reminds the viewer of a warm fourth of July night. (Now, we are working on Self-Portraits with a twist!)

Fourth Grade
Keith Haring is currently the inspiration for fourth grade. We spent some time viewing his work and a website dedicated to his art. We are currently creating 2 pieces of art inspired by his work...more pictures to come!! (After completing our Keith Haring art, we will begin still life drawings using forms.)

We will be creating another single Keith Haring figure and painting them! I can not wait to hang them in the hallway and create a large scale inspired work!! 

SoOo close to Turkey Day! Remember to consider the things we are thankful for! 
 _Mrs. H._

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Art Room

The ART Room!! 

"Creativity Takes Courage" - Henri Matisse

Creativity fills the art room at both Riverview and Fishcreek Elementary! SoOo far this year we have used a variety of mediums including: watercolors, oil pastels, tempera paint, colored pencils, watercolor pencils and of course crayons and markers. Later this year we will be using:
  • Clay....and my 4th graders are going to be able to experiment with glaze!!! 
  • Aluminum & Copper Tooling 
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Scratch Paper 
That is just naming a few!! 

When we are finished with our artwork we.....KEEP CREATING!! 
This is our "go-to" area when we have completed our artwork! These are alternate art projects that we are not going to do as a class and they are generally related to what we have been learning about or another form of art.

Another alternative to the projects on the board, are our drawing books! I have a collection of drawing books in the art room that show step by step how to draw something. Some of these drawing books include: How to draw...
  • Desert Animals
  • Underwater Animals
  • Race Cars
  • Grassland Animals
  • Disney's Cars, Princesses & Characters
  • Nickelodeon's Avatar & Characters
  • Pokemon
More are on the way!!

           _Mrs. H_

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We've Been Inspired By....

This year we have been focusing on Artists and their work to inspire our art.

We've Been Inspired By.....

My kindergarten kiddos have been inspired by a famous artist named Kandinsky. We learned a little bit about him and his art. Inspired by his work, we created watercolor circles. These circles were then cut out and united with all of the other kindergarten classes to create a Kandinsky Tree! Turned out pretty cool if I do say so myself!!  (Kindergarten is currently working on flowers)

First Grade

First grade was inspired by Gustav Klimt's Tree of Life. We first used watercolor to create the background. After the background was dry we added black tempera paint for the spiral tree, similar to
Klimt's. (First Grade is currently working on birds.)


Second Grade
Second grade is currently working on a Pop Art lesson inspired by Andy Warhol. We divided our papers up into 4 squares, traced our hands with pencil and then colored them in using oil pastels. Today, we began to add black hand prints onto the pastel colored hands. (We are still working on these.)

Third Grade
M. C. Escher was the inspirational artist in third grade. We looked at his OP-Art and then created our own! First we traced our hands with pencil, then added lines using a ruler. Lastly, we colored them using colored pencils. (We began Whistler inspired seascapes this past week!)

 Fourth Grade
Fourth graders were also inspired by the famous M. C. Escher. We looked at some of his optical illusions as well as his tessellations.  Next, we created our own using rulers, traceable circles and pencils. We then colored them in with makers. (We are currently being inspired by Keith Haring.)
  Keith Haring website to look at http://www.haringkids.com/

 Ask your kids who they have been inspired by in art class!!! 
