Use Your Imagination To Create Something New Everyday!
@ The Beginning of the Year
Square 1 Art Fundraiser
Riverview Elementary and Fishcreek Elementary began the year working on a fundraiser for the school toward technology and other items for the classrooms. The wonderful thing about this fundraiser is that it involves ART!!! The kiddos draw on a special piece of the paper that the company provides, Mrs. Heverly (I) gives the kiddos some ideas/direction, they work on it in art class, we ship it back to the company and finally ordering information is sent home with the kiddos! Parents are able to order items such as t-shirts, cell phone cases, plates, coasters, etc. with their child's drawing in on it! These items are great for gifts or keepsakes! I might have made one for my little guy as well 0:) Both buildings have sent in their Square 1 Art to be processed, so look for the order forms to be coming home soon! Orders @ both buildings are due by November 7, 2014.
For more information about this program click here --------> Square 1 Art
Fall Trees
Kindergarten kiddos have been an amazing group of listeners this year which allows us to do even more in Art! I decided to start them off in the right direction with talking about detail! Our first artwork was based off of the seasons. We looked at a projected image of the 4 seasons and discussed what in the picture helped us determine which season was which. We then dug a little deeper with a discussion about Fall (trees, changing leaves, colors of the leaves, etc). Then it was time for some art making!! On a white sheet of paper each kiddo drew a tree using the letters Y and V to create the tree trunk and branches, previously demonstrated by myself. Next, using marker we added "detail" for the bark of the tree and for our grass. Crayons were then used to color in the tree, grass and any other items that my kindergarteners wanted to add. Last but not least, we used orange, red and yellow tempera paint to add leaves on or around our tree. We are currently working on Shape & Line Monsters! Images of those to follow!! :)
First Grade
Op-Art Seasons
First graders expanded on their previous knowledge of the seasons learned in Kindergarten. We revisited the same projected image from the previous year and discussed what in the image helped us to determine which season was which. Next, I assigned each table a season to draw and color using pencil and crayons. When the first season was done, first graders chose a second season to draw and color, this time using pencil and markers. I then cut them into strips and place them onto a larger colored piece of construction paper. Each kiddo then glued the strips into place. We then folded these papers like a fan to create our Optical illusion. When looking at the art from one direction the viewer sees the first season and when looked at from the opposite direction you can see the second season! We are currently working on these and a Self-Portrait.
Second Grade
Picasso Portraits
Second Graders have been learning about the artist, Pablo Picasso. After viewing some of his artwork, we discussed why Picasso painting the way he did. I demonstrated an example of how we might take Picasso's painting style and apply it to a self-portrait. Each Kiddo then created their on Picasso Self-Portrait by drawing with pencil and coloring them with crayons or colored pencils. Lastly, a creative background was added to the self-portrait to complete the piece of art.We are currently working on Azetc Suns.

Third Grade
Day of the Dead Skulls
collaborate with Spanish, I introduced Dia de los Muertos (Day of the
Dead), a Mexican holiday that is celebrated on October 31st through
November 2nd. We first discussed the focus of the holiday and then we
viewed a variety of bright and colorful Day of the Dead masks and videos. Using a
colored piece of construction paper and oil pastels, each student dew a skull and then
added bright colorful decorations!
We are currently finishing these up and will begin working on one-point perspective.
Dia De Los Muertos video shown in class ----> Dia De Los Muertos
Book of Life Trailer ----> The Book of Life
Book of Life Trailer ----> The Book of Life
Fourth Grade
Don Drumm Suns & Van Gogh Chairs
Fourth graders are currently working on two artworks ; Don Drumm Suns and Vincent Van Gogh Chairs.Students discussed the Akron artist, Don Drumm, and viewed a variety of works created by him. Some students even realized that they may have a piece of his art at home and did not know who created it! After being inspired by Don Drumm, and other images of suns for diferentiantion, students created their own unique sun on a white square of paper. These squares of paper were then taped to a square of aluminum tooling and placed on a magazine to be traced. The image was then transferred onto the aluminum tooling and we will later add a black wash to the surface to make it appear similar to those of Don Drumm.
In third grade, students learned about one point perspective. This year we are expanding upon that knowledge and adding some new terms including two-dimensional and three-dimensional art. After viewing the artwork titled "Bedroom in Arles" by Vincent Van Gogh, we really looked at the perspective of the bedroom that was painted (Things appear smaller if they are further away and larger if they are closer, everything has one vanishing point or one point of perspective). Students were then shocked to learn that we were going to focus on the chair in the painting and were very excited to make something 3D once I showed them my example. Photos are in-progress works.
Sketchbooks have been ordered and each fourth grade student will receive a sketchbook! Once a week I will assign a sketchbook assignment that will be discussed during the following art class. I believe that having an art critique about their sketchbooks will help them talk about their art once they are at Lakeview and Kimpton. Students who complete the assignment will be given bonus points! These sketchbooks are for the kiddos to keep and can be taken home! Also, they are allowed to draw in them in addition to their assignments, keeping the drawings school appropriate of course! These can also be decorated at home or I have supplies here at school! :)*Art Room Expectations*
*When in the art room (for those kiddos who bring art boxes) we should ALWAYS have:
- Erasers
- Pencils
- Glue Stick or Glue Bottle
- Markers and/or Crayons
- Scissors
- Tempera Paint
- Chalk
- Watercolors
- Oil Pastels
- Ink
- Clay
- Glaze
- Charcoal
When we complete our Art we... Keep Creating!
is our "go-to" area when we have completed our artwork! These are
alternate art projects that we are not going to do as a class and they
are generally related to what we have been learning about or another
form of art.
alternative to the projects on the board, are our drawing books! I have
a collection of drawing books in the art room that show step by step
how to draw something. Some of these drawing books include: How to
- Desert Animals
- Underwater Animals
- Race Cars
- Grassland Animals
- Disney's Cars, Princesses & Characters
- Nickelodeon's Avatar & Characters
- Pokemon
- Ninja Turtles
- Drawing 3D